Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Coronavirus Prep

UPDATE: Due to the uncertainty of the virus'  incubation period, there are recommendations to be prepared for four weeks of staying home. This means no grocery shopping, and I doubt the grocery delivery services will be available. Check the Coalition and CDC web sites below, for a thorough lesson on being prepared. (2/25)

I've been keeping an eye on the progression of the coronavirus of the Johns Hopkins map:

It focuses on Mainland China, but you can scroll the list on the left to select another country.

Meanwhile, over on Twitter, @BryanDeanWright is (rightfully) grousing that the CDC is saying "Get prepared" without saying about the 'how'!

So, as a public service, I am posting a link to @TreeHuggingSis' blog post on hurricane prep. While you don't need to board up the house, it's got tons on infor for all of your prep needs.

I did mention to Bryan that the CDC does have prep info on line, at the Zombie Apocalypse page. So here is a link to that:

CDC Zombie Apocalypse Page

Because you never know!

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