The short version is thus:
- Total knee replacement
- Go home
- Start falling down
- Fall down hard enough to squish the dressing hard enough to make Hitchcockian spatter
- Get re-admitted
- Surgery to repair the open wound (looked like a watermelon with a big wedge cut out of it - I have pictures!)
- Go to the nursing home I think fondly of as Bedlam
- Develop a UTI and sepsis - hold at a LaGrange point for about 5 days (no memory except 3 little snippets) until getting back to low-Earth orbit, then touching down five days later.
- Lost 25 pounds
- After a month at Bedlam, off to the surgery center to release pressure on my cervical spinal cord.
- Weakness, numbness, and lack of range of motion, endurance, strength, and sense of touch slowly returning with physical and occupational therapy.
- Lots and lots of physical and occupational therapy.
Three surgeries in two months.
Neurosurgeon says 18 months of healing. And I may not get everything back, but we stopped the continuing damage.
It wasa scary to wake up every morning, wondering what I won't be able to do today. Now, it's kinda fun to wake up and find out what I can do today.
Friends remark that I seem to be in good spirits in the middle of all this. I try not to worry about the things I can't do.
I also think about the man I saw in therapy, who was re-learning to correctly say the names of a fork and a spoon.
I got no problems.
Oh dear. Oh my. I had no idea. Prayers for your full recovery.
For Heaven's Sake!
I came here from friend G. Van der Leun and wish you the best on your recovery!
What can be done from here to help?
Bedlam. Heh. You get points for that.
I don't know you and have not read you before today, but you have had enough. God bless you, for real.
Saying a prayer for you.
Dear Sister in the neuro-tangle jungle:
My story started with mystery hip pain. In the middle was screaming agony in a wheelchair, and emergency surgery to "dremmel out and re-build" my spine.
After an eternity of therapy, work, patience, and prayer, I can once again swim just about any body of water and rumble with the grandkids.
My neuro-surgeon called the central nervous system "the Loki of the body."
May God strengthen you in this fight!
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